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If you are looking for a quick, healthy and delicious soup, you will find it here with a sweet potato soup with carrots. This soup is light, easy to prepare and simply delicious. It is also ideal as a starter for a multi-course menu. It is simply a pleasure if you enjoy eating sweet potatoes. The sweet potatoes complement each other perfectly with the carrots and together make a wonderfully creamy soup, which, when refined with salt, pepper and nutmeg, leads to a real taste explosion on the palate. If you love sweet potatoes, you should definitely try this recipe.
There are many high quality nutrients in sweet potatoes. They are a good source of minerals and vitamins because manganese, copper and iron are abundant in this tuber. There are also vitamins C, B2, B6 and E as well as biotin and high-quality fiber. It is not without reason that sweet potatoes are very popular with athletes, as they provide high-quality carbohydrates compared to normal potatoes and optimally support the body in metabolism.
Together with the carrots, this recipe for my delicious sweet potato soup makes a wonderfully simple, light and creamy soup recipe. Perfect for preparation, as a starter for a menu or just like that!
Nutritional Information per serving
Calories: 156 – Protein: 6g – Fat: 3g – Carbs: 30g
Süßkartoffelsuppe mit Möhren
- 2 mittelgroße Süßkartoffeln
- 2 Möhren
- 1 Zwiebel
- 1 Knoblauchzehe
- 750-900ml Gemüsebrühe
- 2 TL Creme leicht
- Salz, Pfeffer, Muskat
- optional geröstetes Brot
- Step 1 Die Süßkartoffel schälen und in Stücke schneiden. Die Möhren ungeschält in Stücke schneiden. Alles in Salzwasser kochen, bis sie weich sind.
- Step 2 Die Zwiebel und Knoblauch würfeln und in einem Topf leicht anschwitzen.
- Step 3 Die Süßkartoffeln und Möhren abschütten und zu den Zwiebeln und dem Knoblauch geben. Gemüsebrühe hinzugeben und kurz aufkochen lassen.
- Step 4 Den Topf vom Herd nehmen und alles mit einem Pürierstab fein pürieren. Mit Salz, Pfeffer und Muskat abschmecken.
- Step 5 Die Suppe servieren und jeweils 2 TL Creme leicht unterrühren. Optional noch etwas geröstetes Brot beilegen.